Mobile Website Versus Mobile App: What’s Best for Your eCommerce Business?

Envision eCommerce
4 min readNov 18, 2022


The COVID pandemic has flipped the commerce scenario. Shoppers are now looking for seamless solutions and easy checkouts. Deciding whether to go with mobile-optimized websites or apps for their stores is a dilemma many businesses face.

A survey by Statista shows that the eCommerce revenue in the US alone will increase from 904 Billion Dollars in 2022 to 1700 Billion Dollars in 2027.

Apps and mobile websites each have their benefits and drawbacks. When choosing between the two, retailers should consider several variables to guarantee client satisfaction. And in our blog today, we’ll talk about these variables.

Let’s get started straight away!

Mobile Website Versus Mobile App

Mobile Website Versus Mobile Application: What To Know?

A responsive website optimized for various devices is called a mobile-friendly website. The website offers the same service on a PC, smartphone, or tablet. It is an online solution that doesn’t require additional steps to place an order compared to the primary website.

In simple terms, mobile-friendly websites recognize the screen sizes and orientations of customers’ devices and modify the layout to make buying easier. On a smartphone, customers use web browsers to access them.

On the other hand, mobile applications don’t make use of web browsers. These are independent applications that can be downloaded and set up on a mobile device. eCommerce native mobile solutions give customers easy access to the services and can have additional features for mobile users.

Mobile Websites: Pros and Cons

As we gradually started taking different device sizes into account in our designs, mobile websites have started to appear, function, and perform better than ever.

Mobile’s limitations have compelled marketers, designers, and developers to think about the effects of certain functions on smaller screen sizes.

This enables the best responsive to stand out as outstanding examples of perfectly executed mobile web design and to differentiate themselves from the competition.


  • Wider Range

By addressing web and mobile users, personalized eCommerce web solutions help promote the expansion of the client base. Users can quickly share the same URL with other users or on different platforms, increasing reach capacity more than a native application.

  • Increased Sales with Less Investment

With the help of mobile-friendly websites, you can automatically increase your sales without incurring additional development costs by leveraging the synergy between online and mobile experiences.

  • Increased Client Satisfaction

By making your online store equally accessible on all devices, a mobile-ready website enhances business-customer interactions. A responsive platform also claims a quick loading time due to its code’s device compatibility.

  • Enhanced SEO

Search engines can more easily crawl and index web pages than mobile apps. Additionally, websites can use more SEO techniques, whereas mobile apps can only use ASO optimization.


  • Not Accessible Online

Even the most basic mobile website version is not visible without users having an internet connection on their cell phones. Websites only provide static functionality and cached data when they are offline.

  • Negative User Experience

Users have a limited experience with mobile websites because of low customization capabilities.

  • No additional features

While mobile apps can use smartphone technologies, mobile websites don’t support features like GPS and camera functionality. This restricts the business’s engagement strategies and customer retention.

Mobile Applications: Pros and Cons

What makes eCommerce successful is the user and customer experience. Online stores must invest in a fluid and user-friendly interface with their marketplaces to compete in the modern business ecosystem.

Potential customers may be discouraged from making purchases from a small business after downloading and installing a product on their mobile devices. For this reason, established firms should consider developing apps, while smaller retailers should spend their money on a mobile site that is properly optimized.


  • Brand Recognition

The brand logos of mobile applications are constantly visible on clients’ cell phones, which they check frequently. Once downloaded, an application remains active and acts as a reminder that the brand is accessible with just a tap.

  • Lower Costs for Marketing and Advertising

Your website needs to be well-optimized for search engines and have a sizable marketing budget for consumers to find it. On the other hand, a mobile application can communicate with your customer directly via disseminating push alerts.

  • Online Availability

Native applications, as opposed to web pages, can deliver essential features without an Internet connection.

  • Greater Personalization

Mobile applications increase your customization options and provide customers with personalized communication depending on their interests, location, usage patterns, and other factors.

  • Native Mobile Features

Native mobile solutions use the device features directly, opening up new options for user engagement.


  • Development costs

The cost of developing a native mobile app must be paid upfront. While less expensive, cross-platform solutions fall short in terms of personalization.

  • Less Awareness

You can have trouble getting people to find and download your program without a shop version and proper marketing. Additionally, your application needs functionality and a differentiating feature to stand out from the competition.

  • Installation and download requirements

Mobile eCommerce applications must be downloaded from the app stores, unlike websites, which are always accessible. Not every user would want to take the time and effort to download the app to their phone.


Fundamentally, a company should base its decisions on its customers to increase revenue and user experience. There is no definitive choice between a native mobile application and an eCommerce mobile website. The norm for online retail has long been a mobile-friendly website, but mobile applications excel in terms of individualized user experience and additional capabilities.

But there is one important point that has to be emphasized: if your website is obsolete, clunky, and incompatible with mobile devices, no amount of cutting-edge mobile applications can drive sales.

Regardless of the device or platform, both should work in harmony and provide a seamless shopping experience.

Envision eCommerce is a reputed name in eCommerce development and management solutions. Visit our website to get in touch with our certified experts and discover personalized eCommerce solutions that suit your business needs!

