All You Need To Know About Magento B2B Features to Scale Your Business

Envision eCommerce
4 min readJul 6, 2022


Magento B2B Features to Scale Your Business

Because of high order values and massive order volumes, each order and customer means a lot to B2B store owners. Therefore, the user experience of a B2B eCommerce website must be seamless enough to delight every consumer and ultimately achieve growth targets.

You must already know that Magento’s Enterprise Commerce edition (Adobe Commerce) provides features that are specifically designed for B2B online selling. Using these features, you can approach wholesale (B2B) clients differently compared to retail clients. However, if you want your website to stand out, the default Magento B2B features might not be enough.

In this blog, we shall cover several Magento B2B features that make it an excellent choice for B2B businesses.

1. Account and Catalog Management Tools

B2B account management is substantially more complex than B2C account management since B2B purchasers are entire teams or groups of people. Company accounts were developed by Magento specifically as a tool for catering to B2B users.

Visitors who are representatives of an organization may use this function to request an admin account. They can then independently create sub-accounts with flexible permissions. This feature is based on the structure and size of a company, which was created so that multiple users and different roles might share accessing capacity.

This organizational structure is beneficial for B2B companies that sell products for enterprise administration.

The following advantages of the corporate account functionality are only available with the Magento enterprise B2B edition:

  • Learn more about B2B customers, including the corporate structure, human resources, etc.
  • Manage all B2B clients conveniently using an easy-to-use dashboard.
  • Make appropriate modifications to the Magento B2B pricing rules and marketing campaigns.
  • Per client category, allow particular payment and shipping options.
  • Speed up B2B ordering and enhance client satisfaction
  • Secure your assets and content against unauthorized access.

2. Security Features

Security is one of the most crucial factors of Magento that affects the reputation of B2B organizations. Websites must have a secure PCI-compliant checkout since doing so will enable you to easily authorize, deliver, and process B2B payments.

Fortunately, Adobe Commerce is PCI Certified as Level 1 Solution Provider. Thus, any business using Adobe Commerce can use its PCI Attestation of Compliance to speed up the PCI certification process

Additionally, the Magento Commerce Cloud architecture offers a highly secure environment through additional security components like:

  • Consumer browser (using HTTPS for all pages on the website)
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) & DDoS protection — Fastly
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Virtual Private Cloud
  • Penetration testing
  • Payment Gateway
  • Magento Application
  • Encryption
  • Read-only File System
  • Remote Deployment
  • Logging
  • Backups

3. Performance Features

B2B vendors, in contrast to B2C merchants, place a greater emphasis on retaining existing customers than on acquiring new ones. It is obvious from this that site performance is a crucial component of any B2B eCommerce platform.

Website Optimization:

B2B consumers typically have less free time for web browsing. They will leave their cart empty if you make the ordering process take longer. As a result, you must optimize images, the front-end, and the back-end components to speed up loading.

Several plugins are available on the Magento marketplace for compressing photos uploaded to your website. Furthermore, Magento 2 offers some optimizations to lighten page loads and speed up reaction times.

  • Uses minification(removing unnecessary or redundant data) to improve the assets needed to render the page.
  • Maximizes the number of assets that can be stored in the browser cache
  • Uses asynchronous processing to speed up response time during checkout and cart processes.

4. Advanced Analytics

Business-to-business websites need more comprehensive and individualized analytic solutions than B2C websites because every customer is different, even if they are placing the same order for the same goods.

A business analytics solution that enables you to customize KPI tracking for each customer by specific catalogs, actions, contracts, etc. is essential. Monitoring the health of your company is easy with Magento Business Intelligence.

You may get the most in-depth insights from over 25 B2B-focused reports in simple-to-use dashboards, especially with Magento 2.4.

Wrapping Up

Without a doubt, a dedicated Magento (Adobe Commerce) platform efficiently supports the operation of a B2B eCommerce website and makes it simple for you to optimize your store. All you need to do is focus on developing and expanding your business.

Envision eCommerce is one of the most trusted names in eCommerce development and management services. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, folks at Envision eCommerce can help you achieve your business goals by employing the best strategies and Magento features to help your business shine!

