How To Choose a Development Platform For Your eCommerce Store?

Envision eCommerce
4 min readMay 19, 2022


Guide to Choose a development platform for an eCommerce Store?

In the early days of eCommerce, web development was considered a complex task because of its laborious processes and inefficiency. However, web development has become a hassle-free process with advancements in technology.

More business owners than ever want to take their business online as the benefits a business reaps from eCommerce are advantageous in the long run.

There are numerous platforms available for developing an eCommerce website, but finding one that suits your needs is not easy. You'll need time, effort, and other resources to determine which eCommerce platform is best for your project requirements.

5 Factors to Consider While Selecting an eCommerce Store

To build a competitive site, you must first be clear on features, functions, budget, and other factors before looking for eCommerce platforms. After careful consideration and research, you can start your search for the best eCommerce web development platform.

These are some of the best factors to consider while looking for an eCommerce development platform.

1. Third-Party Integrations

An essential element to consider when choosing an eCommerce platform is third-party integrations. Not all platforms provide all of the integrations you'll need for your project. You must first pick which third-party integrations you wish to incorporate into your eCommerce website.

Depending on your project requirements, search for third-party integration alternatives an eCommerce platform has. These third-party plugins are integrated into your eCommerce store for:

  • Accounting
  • Shipping and Payments
  • Analytics
  • User experience

2. Scalability and Speed

You must choose an eCommerce platform that provides a lightning-fast shopping experience. And this should not change as your company grows and scales. It gets burdensome to assess the platform's performance if you have to do it repeatedly. Slow page loading speed, 404 errors, frozen pages, and other negative performance indicators must be monitored and resolved.

A reputable development platform handles traffic during peak periods and scalability and examines its usual site speed. To evaluate and test these elements, you should undertake extensive study or use free platforms like Magento.

3. Security

In today's tech-savvy world, concerns about website security are crucial. Because an eCommerce website contains personal information, you must select an eCommerce platform that includes the necessary security elements. For your company's current and future growth, you must earn clients' and customers' trust.

Ensure that the platform has an SSL certificate and is Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant. Shopify and Magento both provide a free SSL certificate. Practically every platform includes protection to protect the site from malicious activity.

For example, Magento comes with regular updates to keep up with all security threats. Magento also has the capabilities of setting up file system permissions explicitly, making the data more secure.

5. Customization

To create a unique website for your company, you'll need a platform with a wide range of themes and plugins. Some of these themes and plugins are free to use, while others require a fee. Magento open source allows you to create a fully personalized eCommerce website because it can be completely modified and customized.

6. Payment Gateways

Not all payment gateways are compatible with all eCommerce platforms. To ensure seamless and quick transactions, you must present your customers with several payment choices. It means you'll need a platform with several payment gateway connectors. Customers can securely transfer funds from their bank account to yours using these gateways.

Magento eCommerce platform has a secure third-party payment gateway connector. Magento also includes a number of built-in secure payment channels that can be set up by entering information obtained from your provider. It now comes with built-in integrations with reputed gateways such as PayPal, Braintree, and

Which is the Best Platform to Build Your eCommerce Store?

Magento (Adobe eCommerce)

Magento is an open-source content management system. The admin interface of this feature-rich platform is user-friendly, making content marketing and merchandising a breeze. Magento is one of the most successful and renowned eCommerce platforms globally because of its robust digital marketing and merchandising toolkit.

Magento is highly adaptable, scalable, and customizable, offering accessibility and integration with thousands of apps via plugins. As strong as Magento is on its own, it becomes much more so when combined with a team of specialists who can take your website to the next level.

Different platforms offer a variety of features, pricing models, requirements, and plugins. Based on years of experience and client reviews, Magento is the top rated platform to build an eCommerce store that is right for your business needs.

Wrapping Up

Don't be fooled by the most well-known and attractive eCommerce platform or the one with the most bells and whistles when making a decision. Understanding your requirements, features, and budget is the only way to select an appropriate eCommerce platform.

The best platform for your website includes all the features and functionalities you need. A market-ready eCommerce website should also incorporate security, customizability, and scalability.

The ideal development platform focuses its time and resources on the strategic and technical elements while handling all of the complex duties. It allows you to focus on other vital components such as marketing and generate massive revenue from your website.

