7 Tips and Tricks for Effective eCommerce Marketing

Envision eCommerce
6 min readAug 23, 2022

The extensive growth of the eCommerce industry presents numerous opportunities for businesses. However, running a successful eCommerce store is no cakewalk.

The eCommerce industry is fast-paced and ever-changing.

The digital world has constantly been evolving since its creation.

Technology has been getting more advanced each day.

Competition among brands is at an all-time high, and it is getting harder to engage customers and convert them into paying customers.

Tips and Tricks for Effective eCommerce Marketing

Businesses need to keep up with these changes to establish authority among the competition. Here are some tips and hacks to effectively market and grow your business. Read on!

Update Your SEO Practices Frequently

According to a survey by Chitika Insights, more than 90% of the users never make it beyond the first page of Google. Staying on top of SEO ensures that your content ranks high on Search Engine Result Pages.

Many search engines update their SEO policies regularly. So if you are not up-to-date on your SEO, your content might not rank well anymore.

Audit your website at least twice a year to ensure your business does not have to become prey to algorithm updates or webmaster guideline changes.

Here are some optimization strategies that can help you improve search rankings and website traffic:

  • Provide high-value content and keep it fresh by optimizing your title, URL, and a meta-description to hit the keywords people generally search.
  • Optimize your website loading speed.
  • Register your website with Google for businesses.

Choose a Mobile-First Approach

The primary goal for any eCommerce store should be to set up a seamless and interactive experience for the consumer. It is a known fact that more users prefer mobile searches over desktop searches.

Most online searches are from mobile devices, and people do not like to navigate a website with a slow response rate.

Optimize the navigation menu of your eCommerce website by considering the purchasing habits of your target audience. The emphasis should be on reducing distractions, particularly during checkouts.

A dedicated mobile app or PWA will help you send push notifications, updates, and discount offers to customers directly, resulting in more organic conversions.

Thus, it will help if you develop a branded mobile app to aid the growth of your primary e-commerce store. Provide enhanced visibility and spontaneous recall to your products or services among buyers, learning from the experiences of leading e-commerce brands.

Engage With Customers With Abandoned Carts

Cart Abandonment is a massive challenge for eCommerce stores as inventory is held up, and lots of revenue is lost.

There are several reasons for cart abandonment. Some of them are:

  • Not establishing trust with the customer.
  • The customer is hesitant to enter credit card details.
  • Having to create an account for payment.
  • The customer wants to compare prices on other websites.
  • The customer feels that there are hidden charges.

Customers often need a little nudge from you to remind them about the things in their shopping carts. You can do so by implementing features such as an easy registration/log-in process, quick links to blogs and FAQs, and live chat help for any questions regarding shipping charges or product descriptions. These features provide a unified and interactive shopping experience, prompting the customer to finish the journey.

To enhance the customer experience, enable one-step checkout or guest checkout options. Use email follow-ups and remarketing ads to reignite buyers’ interest in an abandoned cart.

Opt For User Generated Content

To your customers, user-generated content is more authentic and trustworthy when compared to in-house content. It is easier to refer to the information provided by other users rather than trust the claims made by the business owners. User-generated content is considered the online form of word-of-mouth advertising.

Request product reviews from consumers to capitalize on user-generated content. Upload those product review images and videos to shopping platforms like Amazon and eBay. It ensures that customers exploring the product listings notice the user-generated content on your store, resulting in more conversions and engagement.

Here are some more benefits of User Generated Content:

  • It helps build brand awareness and credibility.
  • It boosts your social media presence.
  • It helps you find and organize unique content.
  • It helps gain audience insights.

Integrate All Your Social Sites

Social media is a powerful tool for business growth. It aims to convert site visitors into paying customers. Creating a social media account that tells your brand story is an effective way to gain conversions and market your brand.

Social media marketing takes a significant time to produce results but the brand identity it builds for you helps your long-term business growth by leaps and bounds.

Social media requires a lot of creativity and planning. The content needs to be original, authentic, and consistent. Make sure to have a well-planned content distribution strategy to stay on top of the competition.

Here are some of the best social sites to incorporate into your eCommerce Marketing Strategy:

  • Instagram: The store feature allows customers to directly buy a product from your website by clicking the link on an image.
  • Facebook: With over 2 Billion active users, Facebook is one of the best social marketplaces.
  • YouTube: YouTube is a video platform by Google that many businesses can leverage for free by uploading valuable video content on their channels.

Be Innovative in Your Content Marketing

An old saying, “Content is King” is equally as true. Content Marketing greatly increases the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Curating regular content such as blogs on industry-related topics helps you connect with your consumers on a deeper level.

A fantastic addition to your digital marketing arsenal, well researched and unique content also improves your search engine rankings.

However, content is more than just blog entries. Long-form material such as guides and eBooks can help improve customer experience and ensure that your customers get the most out of your products. Guest posting on other websites increases your brand visibility and engagement as well.

Podcasts have also grown in popularity, providing a platform for building a community and showcasing relevant knowledge. You can create your podcast to share relevant information to increase your audience demographics.

Provide Exceptional Customer Support Services

Repeat customers are the backbone of a booming business. Customers must be engaged and provided timely solutions if they are facing any troubles to encourage them to make repeat purchases. One way of doing this is by providing exemplary customer support services.

You can execute that by employing an omnichannel approach. You can do this by creating a unified customer experience platform and compiling all data under one roof.

Chatbots are a crucial eCommerce trend that you can implement on your website and social media, making your brand available 24*7. Chatbots add an extra element to your website by offering support to customers even when your support team is unavailable. Chatbots can even be used to assist a consumer while selecting their desired products.

Chatbots are a vital part of your customer care practices and greatly help personalize your customer’s shopping experience. Chatbots provide solutions, answer questions, capture requests, and reroute the customers to support agents if necessary.

Wrapping Up

Ten years from now, running an eCommerce store will still not be easy, but following the tips and tricks we discussed will surely help you improve both customer experience and conversion rates.

Neither a small business nor a multinational operation can miss out on the benefits an eCommerce store has to offer. To reap the maximum benefits, ensure that your website is audited and optimized from time to time. You should get help from professionals to audit and optimize your eCommerce store to achieve optimum results.

Envision eCommerce is one of the most trusted names in eCommerce development and management services. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, folks at Envision eCommerce can help you achieve your business goals by employing best practices.

