3 Things to Remember When Looking for Magento Hosting Providers

Envision eCommerce
3 min readSep 24, 2021


While developing an eCommerce store, choosing the right hosting provider is crucial to deliver a seamless experience. You should select a hosting provider that provides you the right infrastructure and services to handle your business operations effectively. It is of utmost importance because if you don’t provide a shopping experience that is fast, secure, and flawless, you risk losing your customers and sales.

When Looking for Magento Hosting Providers

The eCommerce store’s performance depends a lot on how your application files, code, and data is hosted on a server. Also, it can make or break your business reputation. So, it is best to keep every factor in mind when choosing your Magento hosting providers.

Your Business Size

Magento is a perfect fit for businesses of all sizes — small, large, or enterprise-level organizations. But, the decision of choosing the right Magento hosting provider depends a lot on the size of your business.

If you have a large Magento store and get a lot of traffic every day, you will need more resources to handle the traffic spikes and keep your store up and running 24/7. In such a case, shared hosting is not at all recommended as you will not be able to afford frequent slowdowns resulting in loss of revenue. To keep your operations up and running, you need a fully managed Magento 2 hosting provider that provides a complete suite of services from ongoing optimizations to deployment and more.

Scalability Plans

If your eCommerce store experiences more traffic than usual, it may cause it to slow down or crash resulting in unsuccessful checkouts and loss of customers. Once you are done with analyzing your store size, it is now time to figure out how much traffic or requests your store is likely to experience during normal or peak hours. It should give the idea of the type of hosting architecture needed to support your online store and keep it running all the time.

The best idea is to opt for a setup that automatically scales in and out depending on the traffic on your online store. When you opt for a flexible infrastructure, your store never slows down and you also save cost.

Desired Speed

Speed is another main factor on which the success of an eCommerce store depends. Nobody likes or has the patience to shop on a slow online store. But, Magento websites usually run slower if they aren’t managed properly.

For quick page loading speed, intelligent caching and proper management of website content is crucial. Latency problems, poor caching practices, and no optimization of images and content can result in poor performance.

Remember that you don’t need to invest in a premium CDN for this. You can get viable CDN services even if you invest less for delivering an engaging CX. So do your research and find the solution that best fits your necessities.

Wrapping Up

Taking an important business decision is not as easy as a walk in the park — you need to analyze everything from top to bottom to avoid risks and get maximum benefits. If you are still not sure about how you can select the best Magento hosting provider, consider contacting our experts at Envision eCommerce and we will be happy to give you invaluable insights.

